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Charter transportation and challenges in driver training.

Buus operations have a significant advantage compared to others, especially because we consider all the pieces involved in the charter transportation chain. It's not enough to have the best system or software, the most optimized route, or the most modern fleet if we don't invest in the piece that starts the day for all employees: the Driver.

In this article, we will share the story of a driver training day that presented some difficulties but ended up becoming one of the clearest examples of the positive impact of our methodology.

The scenario of charter transportation.

As usual, all Buus charter operations begin with driver training, and periodically, we revisit transportation operators to reinforce the content or introduce our platform to newly hired drivers. In this way, our team visited an operation at a large oil refinery in Baixada Fluminense, RJ. However, the reception was different from what we expected.

Generally, charter drivers are very cheerful and willing to participate, especially when they are in groups, as in our meetings. But this time, contrary to the usual, we could sense a more somber atmosphere. There were no side conversations while we prepared the presentation, and silence was notable.

We started the training even without the full engagement of the participants, and during the initial dynamics, we discovered the problem.

Speaking is important, but listening can be even more important.

Each participant was asked to introduce themselves, stating their name, years of experience in the profession, and previous work in charter transportation. At that moment, they had a voice and expressed their concerns. We discovered that our training was taking place in the same week that some colleagues had been let go, which justified all the commotion and concern among the team.

How to deal with adversity and act in a way that prevents dissatisfaction from affecting the operation?

Can you imagine the magnitude of the challenge in speaking to an audience whose fears and concerns are much more significant at that moment than our proposals? How can we navigate all of this without being rude or showing a lack of empathy?

It is common for staff changes and employee turnover processes to impact team morale, nurturing feelings of resentment or injustice among the remaining employees, and directly affecting the company culture.

In this process, several points are crucial for maintaining satisfactory activities, but not all companies are aware of them or put them into practice. They include:

  • Communicating clearly and positively.

  • Demonstrating empathy for the affected groups.

  • Addressing changes effectively.

  • Collecting and responding to feedback.

  • Encouraging and monitoring employee engagement.

At this moment, the experience of our "Driver Success" team makes all the difference. This team is composed of professionals from the road transport industry. There is nothing better than showing that we understand their sadness while congratulating those present for the work they have been doing. It is only through good work that we can seize opportunities, whether in employment or any other aspect of our lives. Additionally, the introduction of new concepts and technologies plays a transformative role when we understand that knowledge and individuals' morale are directly linked.

This injection of enthusiasm completely changed the mood of those involved who, for a few hours, forgot about their problems, participated with smiles in our activities, and turned an otherwise ordinary afternoon into a moment of learning and self-discovery for both the drivers and our team.

What drives transportation is human energy.

As we mentioned at the beginning, modern vehicles, intelligent systems, and perfect routes may work, but if the driver is not truly engaged and committed at the start of the journey, everything can collapse. That is why we focus on the training and maintenance of the mental and emotional well-being of those who are a fundamental part of any charter transportation operation.

Your operation with Buus is more human and brings many more smiles. Come and check it out!

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